Our style is not to produce results by working hard. Our system says that there is no limit to people’s creativity. People do not come to us to ‘work’, they come to us to ‘think’.

– Adapted by Taiichi Ohno

The Management Engineering

Management engineering is an interdisciplinary subject that combines knowledge from engineering, economics and business management to design, manage and improve production processes and organisational activities.

The aim of management engineering is to increase the efficiency, productivity and quality of business activities while minimising waste and costs. This is achieved by optimising production processes, managing the supply chain, designing effective information and decision-making systems and implementing continuous improvement strategies.

In an ever-changing global context, engineering management approaches the challenges of the present through a combination of digital technologies, sustainability, agility and change management to ensure the long-term efficiency and sustainability of business operations.

What do we do?

We actively collaborate with companies and organisations from different sectors to develop practical and innovative solutions to real-world challenges. We also provide students at the University of Trento with the tools to deepen their knowledge in the field of engineering management.

Explore our website to learn more about our research activities, publications, projects and collaborations. If you are interested in collaborating with us or participating in our courses, please do not hesitate to contact us!
